How Often Should Spill Kits Be Inspected

The answer to this question can be of vital importance. The provision of Spill Kits is one of the many requirements laid down by the Health and Safety executive to industries and companies throughout the UK. It is, in fact, a legal requirement for there to be plenty of Spill Kits for the staff to use to protect themselves and the general public. This is all covered by the comprehensive Care of Substances Hazardous to health or COSHH as it is better known as. COSHH guidelines should be in a place where they can be read and referred to by staff in the case of an event such as a spill.

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There are plenty of suppliers that can keep you in a steady stream of this essential safety equipment. For example, Spill Kits from Hyde Park Environmental are just one of the many companies that offer a range of spill kits to fit any business large or small for their needs.

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The main issue with spill kits is that should you come to use them they may be out of date or that there may not be enough of them to deal with the spill when it occurs. Advice on when your spill kits should be checked vary. The nature of your business should define it. For some it is  every twelve months, others six and some one month. This will make sure they are still fit for purpose.

Gabriel Montgomery

Gabriel Montgomery

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