It is possible to define the main trend of the e-commerce world. The mass is accustomed to the idea of being able to receive the ordered goods more and more quickly, as if ordering it gave it some sort of priority. A sort of implicit philosophy of successful e-commerce is “I order, I receive, here and now, I pay and I want it immediately”.
How to blame the mass, with immediate check-outs and e-commerce increasingly geared to defining a customized browsing experience, it is not surprising that the buyer then feels entitled to think that all e-commerce should respond to your needs in the best way and in the shortest time possible.
A trend that has made the boom especially thanks to the advent of the mobile universe. A bit as if our potential customers lived their day with a shopping cart perpetually at hand, and could fill it at any time of the day. In the coffee break in the office or in the time they wait while the pasta water boils.
Consequently, thinking back-end, the less time the user takes to find a product suitable for him, the fewer the complications and the steps for the purchase, the more likely he will conclude the action, transforming himself from a perfect unknown passage user, to registered customer, profiled and if we are good in the following short period also loyal.
What drives us to try to understand the mass more and more?
By mass we mean the Target, the largest percentage that thanks to super-performing smartphones, spends its time searching. A constant search for information, gossip, merchandisers, branded products and products used on the most famous e-commerce and social networks.
One might ask, “But who is MY target?” Even before “How can I anticipate what the Target wants, the mass?”
Questions that in reality every retailer arises even in physical stores:
- Who my client?
- How do I get his attention?
- Can I capture your interest?
- Will he get it into the store?
- Will he be able to serve him better?
But wait, not the same reasoning as an e-commerce manager?
OK, too many questions, let’s give some answers.
The keys to successful e-commerce in 2019
Yes, an e-commerce, if seen from this point of view, will not put you so far from a physical store.
You must define your own Target, understand how to capture it and conclude the sale in the best way.
That must be a tailor-made sale, because even online the user appreciates being “served” with those comforts such as fast deliveries, secure and immediate payments.
Simple and fast registration form, the possibility of obtaining discounts only if you have subscribed to the newsletter, a chat through which you can request any information and promptly resolve any doubts. These are some of the keys that will make a successful e-commerce in 2019.
Navigation experience and buying experience
Of course we hear a lot about Navigation Experience, called User experience, but if we think about it, this new type of consumer who wants everything now easily assimilable to the stereotype of those who work 8-9 hours a day, go to the gym and the weekend loves spending it with family or friends … when do you have time to “go shopping” the old way?
In an increasingly frenetic society it is essential and fundamental to know how to anticipate users’ problems.
A trivial example: Limited Traffic Zones and full paying parking lots make it difficult to go to the historic center to shop … maybe in the early days a loyal user from the trusted boutique persists. But how long can you resist? There is a strong contrast between stress to get to the store and the convenience of being able to order the same product online, perhaps even paying less on an e-commerce.
Paying less for a product does not only mean seeing a lower total at the cash desk, but we consider the time saved, we have not moved a car, paid a parking space, risked fines and accidents…. This indicates a real shopping experience that is more convenient and safe thanks to online commerce.
Also the browsing experience and the shopping experience will be pillars of a correct approach to successful e-commerce in 2019.
Understanding and Involving Users
Another factor that today is fundamental to consider that “Understanding the right purchase intentions, but it is not enough anymore”.
The possibility of entering many shops in the palm of a hand creates a reverse perception in the consumer, used to going to many different places, now it’s the shops that go to him, sitting on the couch or in the metro station. The digital transformation of clothing boutiques not only shifts competition from the historic center to the search engine, but increases it considerably by joining the large marketplaces.
The user’s balance needle, which sometimes finds itself having too much choice, in an apparent level playing field such as product quality and price, is moved from the famous big sites to the e-commerce owner by the other factors.
Some of these, in addition to the techniques to maximize earnings and the results of our actions by managing an e-commerce in the best possible way, we can find an impeccable customer service, advice on the purchase that in addition to the single product show us related articles and of further interest, a customization of navigation and of the products shown with greater care.
Data and statistics on e-commerce in 2018
The cornerstones of successful e-commerce in 2019 and the activities that will decide to invest in the online will be represented by how they will be able to “involve” and “serve” the user. To justify these latest statements we report some brief data:
The study ” Rising Expectations in Consumer Brand Experiences ” conducted by Google / Greenberg in the United States on 1500 consumers aged between 18 and 64, in March 2018, declares that:
- 46% of consumers prefer to use the smartphone to complete the entire process, from research to purchase;
- 61% of people expect brands to personalize experiences based on their preferences;
- 90% of leading marketing professionals believe that personalization significantly increases profitability.
From what emerges we can therefore conclude by supporting and recommending e-commerce and web marketing strategies that take into great consideration:
- Browsing experience and buying from smartphones and tablets;
- A non-invasive and heavy but slim user profiling useful for personalizing their “visit to the store”;
- A communication strategy that reflects the users’ previous choices, as well as their real interests;
- An eye on the speed performance of the website to respond to touch / click in the shortest possible time;
- Be ready with an efficient customer service to give all the useful information as if the user were in the store;
- Take care of checking out as much as possible, making the passages intuitive and able to transmit clarity and security at every stage.
Contact us to request a customized consultancy, analysis or marketing strategy to manage a successful e-commerce in 2019!
We are always ready for new challenges and to create successful projects.
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