Film festivals are great fun, They can be any length of time and showcase new and emerging talent. However, they can also act as revivals for previous films, actors and directors. In many cases they are events where people can dress up and pretend to be the characters from the film. They can be expensive and high profile events but with a Luxury Home Cinema Basingstoke based can provide you the dream can become a reality.
It’s certainly an idea that you can have a lot of fun with. Have an “opening night” where everyone dresses up in glamorous frocks and black tie is one idea, or save this for the last film of the festival as the “keynote” film. Have a fake awards ceremony too. The festival could run over a bank holiday weekend or just be an all day marathon of a certain type of series like the Planet of the Apes or Star Wars. If you’re all big fans, why not come as different characters from the film.
Another idea is throw a themed party and show the film at the start of the end. As a twist you can only serve and drink featured in the film. For example, if it’s Pulp Fiction then you can only have Gourmet Coffee, Burgers, Milkshakes, Pie (with a slice of cheese). Muffins, Bacon, pancakes and toaster pastries. Red Apple cigarettes are not an option as they aren’t real!