Let’s welcome RankBrain as its here to stay

RankBrain is Google’s attempt at turning search quality over to the machines − at least in part. It is a form of machine learning technology that helps Google to figure out how to rank websites for queries that it has never seen before.

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RankBrain was greeted with some concern and scepticism when it was first released. Some were worried that the system would be too easy to game, for example, and that the AI would bring down the quality of the search results.

Context and content

So far, RankBrain has performed well. It uses ‘vectors’ to help it to understand the meaning of words and phrases, even if they are unfamiliar. It filters search results based on the context and meaning of words, with the result that it can handle shorthand, colloquialisms and generally unusual phrasing reasonably well.

Embracing machine learning

As a webmaster, there is not a lot that you need to do with RankBrain − the algorithm kicks in automatically.

It seems like a small thing, but Google’s algorithms are cleverer than ever before. All you need to do is supply Google with enough content for it to understand what your site is about. Make this content as rich, informative and detailed as possible. It will be best to contact an SEO Gloucester company like digitel to get the best advice on this who will even create on page and off page content for you and explain the process of climbing the google ladder.   Think about the questions that people send to you via your contact form, or ask you in emails, and write about these things.

The days of keyword stuffing are over; to be fair, they were over a decade ago. Today, it is not about the specific words that you use to describe your products and services; instead, it is about the authority that your words carry and the quality of the information you provide to your users.

In theory, RankBrain will put a website with a rich, informative and context appropriate message − backed by authoritative sources − above one that contains the exact keyword being searched for but is otherwise low quality. Both should appear in the SERPs; however, quality is quickly becoming the most important metric by which websites are being judged, which is a good thing.

Gabriel Montgomery

Gabriel Montgomery

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