Retailing is one of the most competitive sectors there is to trade in. Stores, whether online or on the high street, face some real challenges and need to remain ahead of current trends while keeping a close eye on their profit and loss accounts to ensure they’re offering the best value to attract customers.
High street stores also face the challenge of competing against their online rivals as the shift in the proportion of total retail sales continues to swing in the favour of ecommerce. According to the Office for National Statistics, more than 17 per cent of all retail sales took place online in March 2018, which is an all-time high for the sector.
How can high street stores compete with growing online sales?
One factor that physical stores have in their favour is the opportunity to create a mood and experience in their live shopping environments, and retail signage is one way to do this. If you’re looking to update your own signage, companies such as can help. Let’s take a look at some simple steps you can take to create high impact with your signage.
Short and sweet
In a world where everything seems to be done isn small snapshots, the text message home or a 140-character tweet, it’s important that retailers translate this to their signage and keep messages short and sweet but on point.
Make sure it’s easy to read
The font and pantones you use need to be easily readable for customers, and remember that not all people see things the same way; remember that dress? Just because one person thinks a sign looks fabulous doesn’t mean everyone will. While you can’t please all of the people all of the time, you do need to make sure that most customers are grabbed by the content of your signage.
Get personal
There are two elements you should consider here. One is the use of language. To make it more personal to your customers, you should get used to using words like “you” and “yours”. It’s also useful to give the message on your signage a purpose and meaning to customers. How will buying this particular product affect their lives?
Getting your signage right isn’t always simple and straightforward, but it does pay dividends in the long run.