How to Cancel Esporta Membership? Step-by-Step Guide

how to cancel esporta membership

Are you looking to cancel your Esporta membership but don’t know where to start? Look no further. This step-by-step guide will help you easily cancel your membership and stop paying for a gym you no longer use. So, how to cancel Esporta membership? Check out the steps.

Step 1: Review Your Contract

Before you start the cancellation process, it’s important to review your contract to determine the terms of your membership. Look for any fees or penalties for canceling early and make sure you understand the process and timeline for canceling.

Step 2: Contact Esporta Member Services

Next, reach out to Esporta Member Services either by phone or email to let them know of your intention to cancel. Be prepared to provide your membership information and the reason for your cancellation.

Step 3: Confirm Cancellation in Writing

To ensure that your cancellation request is properly processed, it’s important to confirm your cancellation in writing. You can do this by sending a written request via email or by sending a letter to the Esporta Member Services address.

Step 4: Keep a Record of Your Cancellation

Make sure to keep a record of your cancellation, including the date, time, and method of your request, as well as any confirmation or reference numbers you receive from Esporta Member Services. This will help to ensure that your membership is properly canceled and to provide proof in case of any future issues.

Step 5: Review Your Cancellation Confirmation

Once your cancellation is complete, be sure to review your cancellation confirmation to ensure that your membership has been canceled and that no further charges will be applied to your account. If you encounter any issues, reach out to Esporta Member Services for assistance.


Can I freeze my Esporta membership?

It is possible to freeze your Esporta membership in certain circumstances, such as injury or illness. Contact Esporta Member Services to discuss your options for freezing your membership and the fees or requirements involved.

How hard is it to cancel Esporta membership?

Canceling your Esporta membership is a simple process that can be accomplished by following the steps outlined in the guide. As long as you have reviewed your contract, contacted Esporta Member Services, confirmed your cancellation in writing, kept a record of your cancellation, and reviewed your cancellation confirmation, canceling your membership should not be difficult.

Why did LA Fitness change to Esporta?

It is unclear why LA Fitness may have changed to Esporta. However, it is important to note that Esporta and LA Fitness are separate companies and may have different membership policies, fees, and services. If you have specific questions or concerns about your Esporta membership, contact Esporta Member Services for assistance.


Canceling your Esporta membership is a simple process that can be accomplished by following these five steps. By understanding the terms of your contract, contacting Esporta Member Services, confirming your cancellation in writing, keeping a record of your cancellation, and reviewing your cancellation confirmation, you can easily cancel your membership and stop paying for a gym you no longer use.

Hopefully, by now you know how to cancel Esporta membership. Thanks.

Thomas Taylor

Thomas Taylor

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